The intricacies of Neo's wall punching [FUN]


Staff member
Nov 1, 2006

Some might find this completely useless, some might want to discuss close combat martial arts or sports, and some might actually laugh.

I've decided to (finally) record the way I train and enhance my upper attacks. I did this mostly for fun and because some people kept asking me, so please don't think that I'm bragging because I didn't even care about any specific stances or technique.

So here's me, bashing my room's wall a few times.


I confess I hesitated a bit with the elbows because I've never used them that much, and I was already a bit wore out on this video.

Now here's the funny part, this one was the last, and it was recorded on the 6th or 7th attempt because I was trying to place my cell phone on the door knob of my wardrobe - so previously, I did recordings that didn't capture half of my body nor my fists hitting the wall, and my cell phone fell a couple of times too :)

So yeah, here's a great "Neo Meme" video, please have a laugh... It makes me laugh every time I see this :D


I cursed out loud in Portuguese after the cell phone fell, but I've removed that!

Now I feel myself morally obliged to leave a few final words.

First: this video was recorded within a controlled environment in which there was no risk of physical damage, I knew exactly what I was doing, and I've done it hundreds of times, literally.

Second: with all due modesty and humility, this kind of advanced training is not - by any means - recommended for children/minors or unexperienced individuals. As some of you might be aware, I am a professional fighter and Karaté Instructor, and I've been into close combat for the past 24 years of my life (I'm currently 34), so please, do not try to repeat what you see on this video, because you can really get hurt and damage yourself.

Third: I have extremely hard knuckles because I've been doing push-ups with my fists on the floor since I've started Karate at my 16 years of age - it's a specific kind of old school training that gives the human being discreet callosities on the fists in order to allow more powerful punches and pain immunity.

Concluding: I am also completely against any type of violence, and despite its presence on this video, I actually hate violence. During my entire life I have never even once attacked anyone without acting in the exercise of my righteous self-defense, or of a third-party in need of aid. And even then, my actions were proportional, strictly necessary, adequate, and by the book.

Al Capone

New member
Jun 23, 2014
Did it hurt to do push ups using fist? Idk man might be a dumb question lol anyway cool video


Staff member
Nov 1, 2006
Did it hurt to do push ups using fist? Idk man might be a dumb question lol anyway cool video
Well, it kinda depends on your current strength level, your skin and your weight - if you're strong, you get the hang of it faster; if you have soft skin on your knuckles it might hurt when you begin, but you quickly harshen it; as for the weight, it was quite easy for me to start fist push-ups when I was 16 since I weighed 65kg/143lbs, I was pretty thin my entire life until 2014 when I got divorced. Nowadays I've built up to 90kg/198lbs and what's actually hard are the push-ups themselves, lol, since I was literally shutdown since January until a few days ago when I decided to get back on track.

You have to keep in mind that while doing push-ups, you're lifting the part of your body that doesn't get supported by your feet, so the heavier you are, the harder it will be - but hey, there's nothing like just doing it. "Do. Or do not. There is no try" - Yoda. A few days ago I saw myself pretty messed up to do just 10 push-ups since I've gained a bit of a beer belly for the first time in my life, but you build up quickly. If you have nothing, just start with 5 push-ups 3 times a day during a week, on the next week, go up to 10 push-ups 3 times a day, and so on.

Thin or large, I've always had muscle, and I never used gym machines, I've always kept my workout through push-ups and crunches for the upper body, and for the lower body, through some leg exercises to both strengthen and stretch my legs.

I actually made a .gif out of this calm small video, it's from 2015 I think, and it's on my signature if you click on the

What I'm doing here, I've learned from 10 to 16 years of age before going through Karaté and Tae-Kwon-Do, simply by watching Van Damme movies and mimicking him, and I've also robbed some aero kicks from Tekken's Eddy, the Brazilian Capoeira fighter.

Also, it's relevant to mention that you can choose or combine 3 types of training - muscle growth; strength building; and flexibility - it's quite easy to find on Google, and regarding muscle and strength, it's all about sets and reps management.

I'm personally fond of Jason Statham's and Hugh Jackman's workout routines - Jason is mostly an athletic lightning fast fighter that focuses on strength and flexibility, while Jackman is a bulked bad ass that looks intimidating as hell, and he's strong. You can also google their plans easily.

Actually, I have both on my bookmarks :] Jason - / Jackman -

Your diet is also extremely important if you want to go for muscle growth, you need a lot of protein and a bit of carbs, but I've never really cared about this part... You can also go for those supplements, but I never really liked that stuff, it's hazardous, you can get prostate cancer, mess up your liver, and your heart. It's basically an easy shortcut, but I honestly do not recommend that shit. I once bought one on Ebay, and after I took it, yeah, I was boosted and full of energy, but my shoulders and neck became red... My ex-wife actually got scared when that happened. I immediately dropped it and threw that shit out. There's nothing like good foods!

Last but not the least by any means, it's very IMPORTANT that, if you're starting anything at all, you do a bit of cardio to get your heart rate and blood circulation up, otherwise, if you start doing push-ups or crunches without a bit of a warm up, it will, not only be harder, but you'll get quickly tired, and you'll be putting a strain on your heart.

I usually just do some toe jumps or run a bit. Cardio's purpose is mostly to prepare your heart for working out, losing body fat, increasing your recovery, stamina, and entire metabolism. Going on a bike ride or simply a 10-15 minute walk is good enough too.

While I'm at it, there's the psychological benefits of any kind of physical exercise. Especially if you're a mad genius clusterfuck like me who was diagnosed at 13 with an obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic depression and insomnia, and anxiety issues/attacks - any kind of exercise increases the production of brain chemicals like serotonin, the one that works like a neurotransmitter in order to regulate your mood and the way you feel. And having a good looking body or feeling in shape also increases your self-esteem and can get you a girlfriend heh.

All and overall, whatever kind of exercise that you do, if you do it the proper way, it's a win-win. Just be careful not to overwork your upper body and forget about your legs, that will mess up your knees and meniscus real quick and if you're fat or really bulk on the upper body with thin legs, you're bound to go undergo surgery when you reach 30/40 years, and get your knees a bit fragile.

I've learned all of this through research over the years and because I never wanted to go to a gym, honestly, because my OCD hates public bathrooms and showers, and because working out on your own is cheaper (lol), and you can do it at your own pace, privacy, or outdoors if you want. But if you're up for a gym and a personal trainer, you'll be better advised, and you will be using machines that focus on specific parts of your body that stuff like push-ups don't really take to the limit - and this is extremely important for body builders to work out every single muscle in your body.


Thanks guys :]

My regards!